In house testing services to ensure the highest level of quality

To be efficient and guarantee the high quality and performance of products, Elba has invested resources to develop its own testing laboratories for photometrical, metrological, chemical and electromechanical measurements.

ELBA realizeaza servicii complete de cercetare si testare a produselor

Electrobanat Photometric Laboratory and Electromechanical Laboratory meet the SR EN ISO/CEI 17025 requirements and are able to perform tests, as they are accredited by the Romanian Accreditation Association (RENAR).

Given the accreditation, the testing reports issued by the Photometrical Laboratory and Electromechanical Laboratory are recognized in all signatory countries of European Accreditation (EA) and International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) agreements. The Metrological Laboratory meets the SR EN ISO/CEI 17025’s requirements and is certified by the National Office of Legal Metrology to perform calibrations and metrological measurements

Photometric laboratory

The Photometric Laboratory was founded in 1972 and its purpose is to test and measure the performance of the lighting products in the following areas: photometrics, colourmetrics, determining optical features of materials, dimensional and electrical verification of the light sources. As a result of signing the Geneva Convention in 1958 regarding uniform conditions of homologation and mutual acknowledgment performed for pieces and parts equipped with an engine, starting from 21.02.1977, Electrobanat Photometric Laboratory became a registered member of Geneva Convention, as the technical service appointed for international homologation testing.

Electromechanical laboratory

The Electromechanical Laboratory was founded in 1957 with the aim of verifying the conformity of the concept products with international standards concerning lighting production. Within the laboratory, mechanical, climatic, protection, resistance to corrosion and noise level tests are performed.

Chemical laboratory

The Chemical Laboratory was founded in 1964, with the purpose of verifying and controlling the technological processes, verifying the conformity between raw materials and finished products.

Metrological laboratory

The Metrological laboratory was founded with the purpose of achieving the traceability of the unit of measurement, for measuring and monitoring equipments from testing factories and laboratories, through calibration/verification of the measuring and monitoring equipments. The Metrological Laboratory was certificated in 1959.


135 Paul Morand, Freidorf Industrial Park Timișoara, Timiș, Romania

Telephone +40 356 443 902